oh this was a nice concert and i`m today happy i saw
Whitney live in her ~best times~ ever.. someone had this
sony walkman with rec/mic and it works not so bad here
because i have only a copy on an old maxell tape, this rottened
10years in my chaos and i found and digitalized it some years
before, this original concert with 62min is not so a tophit
because lot of trash is between and now i try to save the tracks inside..
but here we had 4 drops and i cut all out and pasted the parts because
was only 1sec.. 3 i don`t hear but 1 i hear, and this after i watched this
first time at yt and was little dreamy and thought this photo 2:17 looks
like Aaliyah (different hair of course) but than this hard cut woke me up..
this is only this one photo and true :D the end is from 1990 (japan concert)
i like this endscene and it was an amazing time for artists like her,
they owned the world because they really sold albums and
Whitney`s Album was a Global Burner :)
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